What is this for?

My efforts here are about the testing of ideas. Taking concepts and refining them through the writing and editing practice. The end goal is making use of the concepts through my experiences. I don’t expect them all to be fruitful. I expect there to be contradictions and variability among the ideas. I expect them to be outdated, replaced, ignored, and sometimes wrong. It’s all a progress report, not an end point.

Books of 2023

The best book of the year was the Scout Mindset by Julia Galef

It made for a bit of a unique reading experience as I listened to three different podcasts with the author discussing the book before I read it. The well-organized text provides numerous ideas about how to better improve your decision making. I found it inspired a lot of discussions and writing. It’s a book I hope to check back in with in the future.


I treat these as an essential part of my education. I read them, take notes, do full reviews, and they often make the base of the content for my writing.

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Directed growth is a produce of constantly accumulating small steps

The Scout Mindset by Julia Galef

Clear and effective decision making is vital and difficult to do.

What we own the future by William MacAskill

The people alive today represent 17% of all the people who have ever lived.


Theses are books that I read with consideration but take very limited notes

Why Buddhism is True by Robert Wright

Evolutionary psychology’s understand on the human mind aligns well with a Buddhist interpretation of meditation and mindfulness.

You Money or Your Life by Joseph Dominguex and Vicki Robin

Your attitude toward money is a very connected part of your identity and, therefore, can be difficult to change.

I will teach you to be rich by Ramit Sethi

We stress about acquiring money and spending it.


These books are fun to read and help me keep a consistent reading habit

American Gods by Neil Gaiman

Strikingly odd things can be attractive.

The Genius Plague by David Walton

There is a real, although imagined fragility to the world.

Three Laws Lethal by David Walton

Even machine learning and make an engaging story


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